By Rebecca Martin
Did you know? A few important facts as we understand them.
1. That the City of Kingston allowed the sale of 1 million gallons per day (GPD) to IBM in the late 1950’s until their demise although they hardly ever used the full amount allocated to them? Based on what we currently know, IBM had to purchase that amount whether they used it or not.
2. That the Town of Ulster currently purchases 700,000 GPD, but really only uses 500,000 GPD? The additional 200,000 GPD is held for their community and if used, would be charged a higher water rate?
3. That the Town of Ulster’s water is ‘hard’ and that some of the City of Kingston’s water that is purchased is used to mix and improve water quality saving money on water treatment?
4. As the current water rates are structured in Kingston, those who use the most water are charged less and those who use the least pay more?
Feel free to clarify if necessary
…and get to know your water source.