WATCH: “Water Infrastructure Debate in the Hudson Valley” on NYNOW (PBS).

Watch the story above beginning at 16:11.

‘Do we have the surplus water to sell and if we do, is it in our best interest?’

That’s the question the Kingston Water Department Superintendent Judith Hansen is asking these days.

Nearby Cooper Lake holds over a billion gallons of water and is the main source of drinking water for the nearby city. Recently, the body of water has drawn attention from the California-based Niagara Bottling company which would like to tap into the natural resource so they can package and sell the water all over the country.

The money the company would pay the water department would be significant and would help them replace their aging infrastructure, but some local residents are concerned that it may be a risky proposition.

Our Jenna Flanagan has the story this week in our monthly Innovation Trail report.


1 thought on “WATCH: “Water Infrastructure Debate in the Hudson Valley” on NYNOW (PBS).”

  1. It would be a great mistake to let Niagara water to start their business here. They will take our precious water and give us traffic jams
    and pollution from their trucks in return. . They would take too much from us and gave us back very little in return. I hope the people that have the power to stop them will think what damage they will be doing to this area. We should wait for a corp. that would be a better fit for this area.
    Ed Pollan


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