UPDATE: A Comprehensive Plan Fact Sheet and Call for Comments

By Rebecca Martin

The City of Kingston just might very well be moving in the right direction.  

Below is a CP Fact Sheet that came straight from the planners office and describes what’s going in front of the Council Tuesday night. A helpful tool as you prepare to speak during the public comment session – or just to understand what the steering committee is asking the council for as you follow along.

A reminder that the meeting will begin at 7:30pm that evening and I recommend that you arrive 15 minutes early to get a seat and sign up to speak.  Please be courteous and leave the first couple of rows open to those who are hearing impaired.

I unfortunately will be out of town on Tuesday so cannot be present – which inspired this idea.  I’d like to get citizen impressions of the meeting to post for those who could not attend. Please send yours to: rebbytunes at earthlink.net .  The deadline for this project is MONDAY, AUGUST 9TH.

It was also brought to my attention that “the Ulster County Transportation Council has initiated the public comment period for its draft long-range transportation plan and its draft transportation improvement program for 2011 to 2015. The council will hold a public meeting to accept comments on both plans at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Ulster County Office Building, 244 Fair St., Kingston. Written comments will be accepted until Aug. 20. For more information, go to www.co.ulster.ny.us/planning/tran.html. ”

“Attend with a friend” – and thanks.


Comprehensive Plan Fact Sheet: August 1st, 2010

Grant Opportunity: 
NOFA – HUD Community Challenge Planning Grant

City Wide Comprehensive Plan

Matter Before the Common Council:
FUNDING, AUTHORIZATION TO APPLY AND EXECUTE DOCUMENTS : The city is seeking a grant for $200,000. This would require a local share of $40,000. As the grant is a reimbursement grant, the Common Council is being requested to authorize the bonding for the full amount of $240,000.

While many would question the investment at this point when the economy is difficult, it is actually an optimum time for the community to prepare a plan and move it to adoption, so that as the economy bounces back, the City is well positioned to work with property owners and prospective developers using a well thought out vision.

The Planning Office has submitted a pre-application for the funding with the final due on August 23rd, 2010. A Committee, headed by Ward 9 Alderman Hayes Clement, will work to prepare the final applicaion. The committee will encompass individuals representing various backgrounds and interests.


–  The city of Kingston is seeking to obtain grant assistance to develop a citywide comprehensive plan which will establish a land-use document to provide a framework and policy direction for land use decisions. The current Master plan is grossly outdated and as a reference tool/resource is inappropriate. Aspects to be considered are land-use, transportation, housing, capital facilities, utilities, economic development, parks and recreation, historic and cultural resources, energy conservation and green technologies, etc.

– A goal would be to develop a unified identity for Kingston where various stakeholders, residents business owners, decision maker, elected officials, etc.

– Developers and citizens would have a clear understanding on the community expectations.

– Long term plan vision, which will be periodically updated.

– James Coon, esq Local Government Technical Series, Revised 2009 “The Comprehensive plan requirement also provided the means to remove the planning process from immediate political considerations and allow for more objective analysis of community growth and need”.

– James Coon, Esq. Local Government Technical Series, Revised 2009 – “New York requires that zoning be adopted in accordance with a well-considered comprehensive plan. This requirement reflects both underlying constitutional considerations and a public policy that views zoning as a tool to plan for the future of communities. Over the years, the New York courts have defined the comprehensive plan to be the governing body’s process of careful consideration and forethought, resulting in zoning that is calculated to serve the community’s general welfare. During the 1990’s the zoning enabling statutes were amended to provide a process for adoption of a comprehensive plan – a formal planning document that can provide goals and objectives for the community. Once the plan is adopted, the community’s land use regulations must be consistent with it. For those communities that choose not to adopt a formal plan according to statutes, the requirement that zoning be “in accordance” with a comprehensive plan still applies, but the long standing, court-fashioned definition of comprehensive planning continues”.

1 thought on “UPDATE: A Comprehensive Plan Fact Sheet and Call for Comments”

  1. (This was taken from the KC.org news page)

    There is interest in developing a comprehensive plan for Kingston, so I thought this public UC Transportation Council meeting might be of interest. Additionally, there has been interest in developing a bike-friendly community, and this meeting might be the venue to raise this topic.

    The info. below is copied from the Daily Freeman.

    Comments sought about transit plan

    KINGSTON — The Ulster County Transportation Council has initiated the public comment period for its draft long-range transportation plan and its draft transportation improvement program for 2011 to 2015.

    The council will hold a public meeting to accept comments on both plans at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the Ulster County Office Building, 244 Fair St., Kingston.

    Written comments will be accepted until Aug. 20.

    For more information, go to http://www.co.ulster.ny.us/planning/tran.html.


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